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The Outside Voices

Rooted in Kent, OH – a town known for harboring the early playing careers of Joe Walsh, Dan Auerbach, and Patrick Sweany – The Outside Voices (John Patrick Halling, Jimmy Dykes, Johnny Miller, Sam Langstaff, and Kevin McManus) stay true to the area’s blues-inspired reputation through a catalog of cleverly-crafted bluesy rock & roll songs (for fans of The Rolling Stones).

2017 brought the release of the band’s full-length debut “Hound Dogs” – recorded at Amish Electric Chair Studios in Athens, OH. The 10 song album is both evocative and hook-filled, with winding ’70s-inspired riffs and “… a pinch of the Ryan Adams / Whiskeytown influence that touches the heart of this new generation of troubadours (Cleveland.com).”

The Outside Voices released their 4-song follow up, “Big, Big EP” in January 2018. Each song uniquely different from the next, the group made a concerted effort to branch out creatively from their previous release, introducing elements of pop, grunge, and psychadelia to their ’70s inspired sound.

The Outside Voices Website