July 13, 2024 - Downtown, Kent OH
Holiday Inn Kent Ken Ganley Chevy Seven Seventeen Credit Union PARTA Kent Central Gateway ZenBusiness Escott and Company Apollo Heating and Cooling Brimfield Insurance
Wayside Furniture Labatt Blue Lipton Hard Tea

Sam Hooper Group

Sam Hooper is a captivating American musician from Cleveland, Ohio. His alluring blend of blues, rock, jazz and funk has thrilled audiences in China, Switzerland, Finland, Japan and the USA. His soulful vocals have been compared to Otis Redding, while critics have likened his blistering guitar playing to Jimi Hendrix and Carlos Santana.

WINNER of the 2018 Northeast Ohio Blues Association, (NEOBA) BLUES CHALLENGE, Sam Hooper Group were Semifinalists in the The International Blues Challenge (IBC) in Memphis, TN, January, 2019.

Sam Hooper Group