July 13, 2024 - Downtown, Kent OH
Brimfield Insurance Apollo Heating and Cooling Escott and Company PARTA Kent Central Gateway Ken Ganley Chevy ZenBusiness Seven Seventeen Credit Union Holiday Inn Kent
Wayside Furniture Labatt Blue Lipton Hard Tea

Pat Vaughan

Born and raised in Ohio, Pat Vaughan has been stopping conversation in the Akron area for the last year with a new take on rock. The cold and depressed midwest has has given Patrick poetic fuel that’s readily available his music. Served with a crooner’s tenor and an honest electricity, get ready for a diverse original catalogue that shows chops across several genres. Blues-driven rockabilly tunes that’ll kick-start your pulse, melody rich ballads of love and loss, and an array of jangling, pump-your-fist protest cries for overdue change in our world’s state of affairs. If he’s not giving the Fatcats a piece of his mind, he’s recalling happiness, heartace or hijinx of younger years. You can feel it in the music that Patrick’s talking to us all, whoever we are.

Pat Vaughan on ReverbNation